
Heritage New England North West is an incorporated association in NSW, with ABN 31 543 171 087. The President is Bronwyn Clarke, and the Public Officer is Wayne Hoppe.

Aims of the Association

Heritage New England North West aims to promote a vibrant and innovative heritage sector in the New England and North West regions of NSW through:

  • advocacy for the valuing and importance of heritage collections, sites, organisations and events;
  • supporting the promotion, development, preservation and effective management of heritage collections and activities in the region;
  • facilitating networking, collaboration and skill development between heritage organisations and individuals in the region;
  • promoting heritage tourism in the region;
  • developing and promoting heritage events to engage locals and tourists within the region (e.g. Heritage Festival, Lost Trades Fair, Regional Heritage Conference, Heritage Week, etc)


Heritage New England North West recognises that history is complex and layered, with multiple perspectives and narratives.

We therefore value:

  • Diverse voices and approaches to history and heritage;
  • A spirit of enquiry that considers issues from multiple perspectives.

We recognise the individual characteristics, histories and concerns of smaller communities and organisations and their importance in regional cultural heritage

We therefore value:

  • Community-driven initiatives and contributions to heritage plans and projects;
  • Active and ongoing community consultations and participation in heritage programs.

We also recognise that cultural heritage custodians and organisations in regional areas may have limited access to resources and expertise, and thus best industry practice, while an aim, may not always be an achievable goal.

We therefore value:

  • Skill-sharing and collaboration;
  • Practicality and problem-solving.

Draft 12-month plan – based on aims above:

  • advocacy for the valuing and importance of heritage collections, sites, organisations and events;
    • research and prepare report on social value of heritage within our region;
    • research and prepare report on economic and tourism value of heritage within our region;
    • advocate for effective resources and funding for cultural heritage;
  • supporting the promotion, development, preservation and effective management of heritage collections and activities in the region;
    • identify vulnerable collections, investigate opportunities and provide advice and draft management plans to holding organisations;
  • facilitating networking and skill development between heritage organisations and individuals in the region;
    • offer a program of professional development workshops and presentations for regional heritage organisations;
    • visit heritage sites and organisations within the region to introduce Heritage New England North-West and establish needs and priorities;
    • investigate grants and apply for funding for projects that support networking between heritage groups in the region and skill development (e.g. establishing digital collections)
  • promoting heritage tourism and visitor engagement strategies:
    • analysis and identification of visitor behaviours, needs and engagement opportunities;
    • develop marketing strategies including print, online platforms, and community networks to promote heritage tourism;
    • make presentations to regional councils, business groups etc on the potentials of heritage tourism;
  • developing and promoting heritage events to engage locals and tourists within the region (e.g. Heritage Festival, Lost Trades Fair, Regional Heritage Conference, Heritage Week, etc)
    • Apply for grant for Heritage Festival in 2023/4;
    • Investigate holding Lost Trades Fair in region